Show garden at the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences in Bernburg / Strenzfeld
Show garden at the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences in Bernburg / Strenzfeld
Strenzfelder Alleé, 06406 Bernburg
Anhalt University of Applied Sciences
Department of Agriculture, Ecotrophology, Land Care
Strenzfelder Alleé 28
06406 Bernburg
Project description:
Renovation and new construction of the Beetzendorf nursing home
Renovation and new construction of the Beetzendorf nursing home
Goethestrasse 2, 38489 Beetzendorf
SozialCentrum Altmark eV
Hagenstrasse 10
38486 blocks
Project description:
Realization phase: 04/25/2000 – 08/30/2000
Build volume: 150.000 EUR
Open-air design education center of Stadtwerke Leipzig GmbH
Stadtwerke Leipzig GmbH
Open-air design education center
Bornaische Strasse 120, 04279 Leipzig
Stadtwerke Leipzig GmbH
Pfaffendorfer Strasse 2
04006 Leipzig
Project description:
Realization phase: 07/01/2002 – 09/15/2002
Build volume: 130.000 EUR
Citizens, education and leisure center in the URBAN II area in Dessau-Roßlau
Creation of a citizen, education and leisure center in the URBAN II area of Dessau
Erdmannsdorffstrasse 3, 06844 Dessau-Roßlau
City of Dessau-Roßlau
Building Department
At Wörlitz train station 1
06844 Dessau
Project description:
Realization phase: 09/15/2004 – 05/24/2005
Build volume: 191.000 EUR
Refurbishment of the flood damage in 2002 – “Elementary School at the Luisium” in Dessau-Roßlau
Rehabilitation of flood damage
“Elementary School at the Luisium”
Wilhelm-Feuerherdt-Str. 7, 06844 Dessau-Roßlau
City of Dessau-Roßlau
Building Department
At Wörlitz train station 1
06844 Dessau
Project description:
Realization phase: 07/05/2004 – 08/17/2004
Build volume: 122.000 EUR
Green connection Park Akacienwäldchen in the URBAN II area in Dessau-Roßlau
Green connection park acacia grove
in the URBAN II area Dessau
Erdmannsdorffstrasse, 06844 Dessau-Roßlau
City of Dessau-Roßlau
Office for Buildings, Land and Green Areas
Zerbster Strasse 4
06844 Dessau
Project description:
Realization phase: 10/30/2006 – 12/4/2006
Build volume: 57.000 EUR
General renovation of the “Samuel-Heinrich Schwabe” astronomical station in Dessau-Roßlau
General renovation
Astronomical station “Samuel Heinrich Schwabe”
Peterholzstrasse 58, 06849 Dessau-Roßlau
City of Dessau-Roßlau
Office for central building management
Gustav-Bergt-Strasse 1
06862 Dessau-Roßlau
Project description:
Disabled access to all areas of use
Realization phase: 10/22/2008 – 12/03/2008
Build volume: 43.000 EUR
General renovation of the secondary school “Am Rathaus” in Dessau-Roßlau
General renovation
Secondary school “Am Rathaus”
Ringstrasse 48, 06844 Dessau-Roßlau
City of Dessau-Roßlau
Office for central building management
Gustav-Bergt-Strasse 1
06862 Dessau-Roßlau
Project description:
Realization phase: 07/23/2012 – 10/11/2012
Build volume: 475.000 EUR
Renovation and redesign of the Pollingpark in Dessau-Roßlau
Refurbishment and remodeling
“Polling Park”
Gutenbergstrasse, 06844 Dessau-Roßlau
City of Dessau-Roßlau
Office for Urban Development, Monument Preservation and Geospatial Services
Gustav-Bergt-Strasse 3
06862 Dessau-Roßlau
Project description:
Realization phase: December 20, 2012 – July 8, 2013
Build volume: 293.000 EUR
Environment design “Tower of the eight winds” in Dessau-Roßlau
Environment design
“Tower of the Eight Winds”
Alt Dellnau, 06842 Dessau-Roßlau
City of Dessau-Roßlau
Office for Territorial Affairs and Locations
Market 5
06862 Dessau-Roßlau
Project description:
Realization phase: 11/13/2014 – 12/02/2014
Build volume: 30.000 EUR
Nursing home Rathaus-Carre` Schkeuditz
New building
of assisted apartments, care places and shops
Rathausplatz 5, 04435 Schkeuditz
Volkssolidarität Leipziger Land / Muldental eV
Wiesenring 2
04159 Leipzig
Project description:
Realization phase: 01.09.2015-1212.2015
Build volume: 180.000 EUR
Improvement of the Plaußig playground
Improvement of the Playground Plaußig
Alte Theklaer Strasse, 04349 Leipzig
City of Leipzig
Office for Urban Green and Water
Prager Strasse 118-136, 04317 Leipzig
Project description:
Realization phase: 09/01/2016 – 11/01/2016
Build volume: 30.000 EUR
Day care center Leonhard-Frank-Straße Leipzig
General renovation of the day-care center
Leonhard-Frank-Str. 24, 04318 Leipzig
City of Leipzig
Office for building management
Prager Strasse 126-128
04209 Leipzig
Project description:
Realization phase:
Build volume:
326.000 EUR
Upgrade of the jewelry place in Wiederitzsch
Upgrade of the jewelry place in Wiederitzsch
Stentzlerstrasse, 04158 Leipzig
City of Leipzig
Office for Urban Green and Water
Prager Strasse 118-136
04209 Leipzig
Project description:
Realization phase:
Build volume:
210.000 EUR
Upgrading of the Bielagarten Böhlitz-Ehrenberg
Upgrading of the Bielagarten Böhlitz-Ehrenberg
Bielastraße, 04178 Leipzig
City of Leipzig
Office for building management
Prager Strasse 126-128
04209 Leipzig
Project description:
Realization phase:
Build volume:
180.000 EUR