Application for drainage Leipzig – For the construction and operation of systems for the infiltration of rainwater, a permit under water law from the responsible lower water authority is required.
With the discharge of rainwater into the underground, the common property “groundwater” is affected and thus requires a Application for drainage in Leipzig.
The examination of the admissibility of a “infiltration project” by the Lower Water Authority takes place on the basis of a water law approval plan drawn up by the planner.
The main content of the approval planning is here
Regardless of whether it is infiltration systems for new construction projects or which are to be built in the course of decoupling measures (from the public sewage network), a water law permit planning is necessary as a basis for the examination by the lower water authority.
Essential legal and technical regulations for the examination by the Lower Water Authority include the state water laws, building law, the state neighborhood laws and the technical regulations of the professional associations for urban water management (DWA-A 138 and ATV-DVWK-M 153).
We For you
In the run-up to the actual water law permit planning, we check the feasibility and economic viability of new construction and decoupling measures for you, and upon submission of a current inventory document for your property the technical feasibility check is free for you!
If you would like to waive your rainwater fees in the future, please contact us. Our landscape architects are specialists in the field of sustainable rainwater management.
Your rainwater is worth it.